Galil Problems and Error Messages

C. Harper 5/11/00


CB x                Enable fiducial read by clearing output bit x, also turns on fiducial diode. “x” is a different number for each axis. ie. For Axis A, x = 1, for Axis E,

x = 9



SB x                 Disable fiducial read


CC                   CC 19200,1,0,0 on Photon Main to initialize ports


CN+-1             “Begin not possible due to limit switch”

-Configures the polarity of the limit switch. Fiducials are active low (0); limits are active high (1)


CO 0               Makes all opto-isolators inputs and turns off lights


CW2                Unrecognizable characters (Analogs program problem)

                        -Set CW2 on startup, sets MSB


DPx=0             Sets data point to 0


EO1                 Photon won’t respond to commands

                        -Turns echo on


JGx                  Will assume x= amplifier 1 (A-D or X-W)

                        Specify E-H axes, otherwise JGx:BG will start jogging at A or X axis. BGx will jog at preset jog speed if axis is not specified


MG                  MG{P2} “message”


MG _CW        Query parameters


MO                  Motor off, always do this before turning off Galil


MRST              Master Reset (also can be done with Controller Switch #1), will clear EPROM – DON’T DO THIS


SC                   Query for why motor stopped


ST                    Program won’t run

                        -Stops previous program


SHx                 Turns motors on; shaft won’t turn if motor is on


TC 1                Galil doesn’t recognize move commands

                        -Displays error message telling why the command wasn’t accepted by the controller.


TT                    Torque query, shouldn’t be over 3v


xx?                   Interrogation, can be used with some commands to return parameter information, see Command Reference manual