Cradle Electronics
The cradle electronics section of this manual contains descriptions of the cradle electronics for the DEIMOS Spectrograph. It corresponds to the Cradle Electronics tab in the electronics schematics binder.
Motion Warning & Movement Alarm,
Schematic: deimos\MOTION.SCH.pdf
Page last updated: August 13, 2002
Slimplified Diagram
This schematic shows the output bits that control the motion warning and the
movement alarm outputs. As with the other general I/O of the DEIMOS spectrograph,
the I/O bits activate Opto-22 relay modules. In this case, output bit 22 of
controller #0 toggles channel 5, an AC output relay, to turn off and on the
movement warning AC socket. Output bit 23 toggles channel 6, also an AC output
relay, to turn off and on the motion alarm AC socket. The AC sockets are intended
to turn on/off appropriate warning devices. During development of the instrument,
the movement alarm signal controlled a rotating beacon device. Obviously, this
is not practical at the telescope and implementation is left to Keck. For the
movement warning buzzer, the software pulses the signal before the instrument
starts to rotate. The output AC socket labled AC3 is available for this function.
The motion alarm signal is turned on when the actual movement begins and toggles
back off when the rotation drive signal is turn off. The output AC socket labled
AC4 is available for this function.