RIO-47122 APF Entrance Hatch

Schematic: schematics\APF_adc_hatch_wiring_sh_1.pdf
Page last updated: October 13, 2011


Simplified Diagram



The purpose of the Galil RIO-47122 is to control and monitor the open and closed state of the APF spectrometer’s entrance hatch. The Entrance hatch is located outside of the spectrograph itself and the RIO is located inside the instrument (or "pod"). The limit board on the hatch has two input bits wired to the Galil Rio which monitor state of the Hatch. There is single output bit DO8 which controls the state of the hatch itself. The input bit DI0 is the “Open Limit” and DI1 is the “Closed Limit”. All signals are an "active high". The EL-3596, the Entrance Hatch Shutter Control Board, uses a truth table, the level from the output bit from the Galil, and the open or closed state of the APF spectrograph ADC’s entrance hatch, to control a DC motor which open and closes the hatch. A standard EL-1393 TRIPLE HALL EFFECT LIMIT BOARD provides the flagging for the entrance hatch limits.



Sheet 1 APF_adc_hatch_wiring_sh_1.pdf


Photo 1

+24VDC Power Supply located in the Elctronics Rack.

Photo 2

5VDC Logic Power Supply located in the Elctronics Rack.

Photo 3

RIO-47122 located inside of specrometer.

Photo 4

APF spectometer's entrance hatch.


Sheet 2 APF_adc_hatch_wiring_sh_2.pdf


Photo 5

Hatch wiring J1

Photo 6

Hatch wiring j2& EL-3596f


Sheet 3 APF_adc_hatch_wiring_sh_3.pdf


Photo 7

EL-3596 enclosure on breadboard #1

Photo 8

EL-3596 enclosure on breadboard #2


Sheet 4 APF_adc_hatch_wiring_sh_4.pdf


Photo 9

Hatch wiring, J4

Photo 10

Hatch wiring TS-1


Sheet 5 APF_adc_hatch_wiring_sh_5.pdf


Photo 11

Hatch wiring. Miscellaneous signal cable terminal strip on breadboard in spectrometer.

Photo 12

Hatch wiring. Miscellaneous signal cable connector on outside of spectrometer.

Photo 11

Hatch wiring. J5& J6 located on the breadboard.inside the specrometer.


Sheet 6 APF_adc_hatch_wiring_sh_6.pdf


Photo 12

Hatch wiring. Miscellaneous signal cable connector on outside of Electonics Rack

Photo 13

Hatch wiring. Miscellaneous signal cable terminal stripon inside of Electonics Rack


Sheet 7 APF_adc_hatch_wiring_sh_7.pdf


Photo 14

Hatch wiring. Side Top View Interface Box for Internal RIO I/O Showing J9 & J12

Photo 15

Hatch wiring. Top View Interface Box for Internal RIO I/O

Photo 16

Hatch wiring. Guide Camera Interface Showing Trigger IN Expose OUT, Shutter OUT & Frame Readout



Galil RIO-47100 Manuals