This section contains descriptions of the overall electronics for the ADC project. It corresponds to the Electronics tab in the schematics binder.
Interlock Stage Cables, EL-3613
Sheet 1 | Pin outs for J201, J202, J401, J402, J403, and J404 | |
Sheet 2 | Pin outs for J405, and J406 |
Schematic: schematics\ADC_interlock_cables.sch.pdf
Page last updated:
February 26, 2005
The first sheet of this drawing shows six connectors that connect to the interlock panel. The first connector, J201, contains the AC power that energizes the observatory E-Stop. If the E-Stop is asserted, the AC will go away and the ADC motor power will be interrupted. The manual paddle can be plugged into the interlock connector or a extension cable can be plugged in that will enable the user to plug the paddle in at the instrument via J607. J401, contains the AC power input for the interlocks. This power comes from channel 3 of the Pulizzi controller. J402 brings the +24V supply into the interlock panel. J403 brings the stage motor drive into the interlock panel. J404 takes the motor drive from the interlock panel and sends it to the stage.
Pin | Signal | Function |
A |
AC-L |
E-Stop AC power |
B |
AC-N |
E-Stop AC power |
C |
AC-G |
E-Stop AC GND |
This table shows the wiring for the manual paddle.
Pin |
Signal |
Function |
A |
+24V |
+24V supply for manual paddle |
B |
When 'DEPLOY' is pushed, this pin goes to GND to pull in RLY8, the manual deploy relay |
C |
Supplies +24V to RLY8. If 'RETRACT' button is pushed, +24V goes away |
D |
Supplies +24V to RLY9. If 'DEPLOY' button is pushed, +24V goes away |
E |
When 'RETRACT' is pushed, this pin goes to GND to pull in RLY9, the manual retract relay |
F |
Manual paddle cable continuity signal |
G |
Local/Remote signal back to Galil I/O. +24V when in local operation - energizes the 'LOCAL' relay RLY7 |
H |
GND for manual paddle |
This table shows the AC input wiring.
Pin | Signal | Function |
H |
AC-L |
AC power load |
N |
AC-N |
AC power neutral |
G |
AC-G |
AC power GND |
This table shows the wiring that brings +24V into the interlock panel.
Pin | Signal | Function |
A |
+24V |
+24V supply |
B |
+24V RTN |
+24V supply GND |
C |
+24V RTN |
+24V supply GND |
This table shows the wiring bringing in the stage motor drive signal into the interlock panel.
Pin | Signal | Function |
A |
MOT1 |
Stage motor power |
B |
MOT 2 |
Stage motor power |
C |
Motor cable connected line out |
D |
Motor cable connected line in |
E |
- |
- |
This table shows the wiring taking the stage motor drive signal out to the stage.
Pin | Signal | Function |
A |
MOT1 |
Stage motor power |
B |
MOT 2 |
Stage motor power |
C |
Motor cable connected line out |
D |
Motor cable connected line in |
E |
- |
- |
This sheet shows the two connector that pass I/O signals to and from the interlock panel. The first connector, J405, contains signals running from the interlock panel to the Galil IOM-1964 and the Net/Hardware Err signal running back to the interlock panel.
Pin | Signal | Function |
1 |
2 |
- |
- |
3 |
Net or hardware failure pulse. Generated by software, if pulse goes away, front panel LED will light up. |
4 |
GND for Emergency stop, E-stop, Local/Remote switch, and bypass switch |
5 |
Emergency stop signal. From either front panel or stage interconnect box |
6 |
2RET |
Forward prism cell retract secondary limit signal |
7 |
2DPL |
Forward prism cell deploy secondary limit signal |
8 |
Motor cable continuity signal |
9 |
Manual paddle connected signal |
10 |
1RET |
Forward prism cell retract primary limit signal |
11 |
1DPL |
Forward prism cell deploy primary limit signal |
12 |
GND for 'cable connected' lines |
13 |
Observatory E-Stop signal |
14 |
- |
- |
15 |
Local/Remote control signal |
16 |
Bypass mode control signal |
17 |
Forward prism cell HOME signal |
18 |
GND for Home sensor |
19 |
+5v |
+5V |
20 |
GND for secondary limits |
21 |
GND for net/hardware error signal |
22 - 25 |
- |
- |
This table shows the input bits that originate at the ADC stage.
Pin | Signal | Function |
1 |
2 |
Forward prism cell retract secondary limit from cell |
3 |
Forward prism cell deploy secondary limit from cell |
4 |
+ voltage for forward prism cell Hall-effect sensors: normally +5V, in bypass mode +15V |
5 |
Forward prism cell primary retract, or reverse, limit signal |
6 |
Forward prism cell primary deploy, or forward, limit signal |
7 |
Forward prism cell HOME signal |
8 |
SW4-4 |
Emergency stop signal |
9 |
SW4-3 |
GND for emergency stop |
10 - 15 |