
This section contains descriptions of the ADC carriage positioning solenoid wiring for the ADC project. It corresponds to the 'Defining Point' tab in the schematics binder.

Defining point solenoid wiring, sheet 1 , sheet 2 EL-3607

Schematic: schematics\ADC_defining_point_wiring.sch.pdf
Page last updated: March 13, 2007

The defining point solenoids are used to clamp the ADC module into the tertiary tower. The wiring from connector P1 was provided by Lick. The control paddle was designed, built and wired by Keck. See Keck drawings: W2030, W2031, W2032, W3033, and W02047

The second sheet of this schematic is a layout diagram of the air solenoid

Sep. 27, 2006: Added second sheet to the schematic that show the layout of the air solenoids.