Slit Mask Cassette Testing

C. Harper    June  6, 2001




1.      Before beginning always check:

-cable connections (power, encoder)

-CN numbers (1,1)

-correct axis (E)


2.      Load slitmask.dmc or TestE.dmc program. Remember to stop Dean’s code with ST and reset the controller if there is an error light on using either RS or manually resetting the controller. Use XQ0 to execute the program. OE and ER are used to make sure the motor doesn’t run away and the stage moves smoothly. 20000 is a good speed to use.

VF 10.4                                               scaling numbers

KDE=404                                            PID number

KPE=79                                              PID number

KIE=30                                               PID number

OE ,,,,1                                                off on error

ER ,,,,500                                            error limit

TLE=3                                                 torque limit

CB 9                                                    turns on home fiducial

CB 41                                                  turns on all other fiducials

FLE=2147483647                               disables forward software limit

BLE= -2147483648                            disables reverse software limit

CN 1,1                                                            sets limit and home switches

SPE=20000 or                                     speed

JGE=20000                                         jog speed

SHE                                                     motor on

EN                                                       end of program


3.      Always start by checking these 3 things:

-fiducial works and the stage moves in the correct direction towards it

- motor count = direction, i.e. “+” direction = “+” encoder counts

-limits work and the “+” direction = fwd limit, “-” direction = rev limit (test first manually)


4.      Check home fiducial, Forward Primary Limits and Reverse Primary Limits manually with the status box before trying to move into them. CB 9 turns the fiducial on, SB 9 turns it off.


5.      Define “0” and backlash. First use JGE=5000; FEE and drive in the “+” direction to find the edge, then TPE. For backlash, change JGE=500; FEE; BGE; TPE (backlash amount). Next define “0” by DPE=0. Do FEE again to give backlash in the other direction.


6.      After setting home to zero, run the stage out to one of the primary limits. Record the encoder counts, then run the stage out to the other primary limit. Record the counts and check for repeatibility. MG _LRE, _LFE will tell you if it’s in a primary limit or not. Also check the status on axis box.

1 = not in limit

0 = in limit


7.      Test secondary limits by using the fiducial/limit switch test connector on 1236R interconnect box JB 3 to disable the primary limits. First test by manually pressing the limit switch while moving slowly. Make sure these limits shut off motor power and IN9 changes states.

MG @IN[9]

1 = in secondary limit

0 = not in secondary limit


8.      Check the other fiducials: CB41 turns them on, SB41 turns them off (channel 16 = CB41 on)


Mask In Place 1 (science end)                                Mask In Place 2 (science end)

MG @IN[60]                                                        MG @ IN[58]

1 = not blocked                                                      1 = not blocked

0 = blocked                                                            0 = blocked



End Of Travel (science end)                                    Masks Misaligned (door fiducial)

MG @IN[67]                                                        MG@ IN[59]

1 = not blocked                                                      1 = not blocked (correct position)

0 = blocked                                                            0 = blocked

                                                                              shuts off motor power


Masks Aligned (LED)                                            

MG @IN[61]

1 = blocked

0 = not blocked


9.      Check switches:


-Slit Cassette Closed (right side of door, shuts off power to the motor)

Test by pushing in switch

MG @IN[57]

1 = switch not held in

0 = switch held in


-Insertion Solenoid (left side of door, interlock: won’t allow hot dog insertion if door is open)

Move with air. Connect paddle to JB9 cable end and power. Test by moving hot dog in and out. Then open door and make sure it won’t move while door is open.


-Foot Retracted (upper left side of door)

Connect paddle to JB9 cable end and power. Test by moving hot dog in and out. If the foot isn’t retracted it won’t allow movement.

MG @ IN[62]

1 = not retracted

0 = retracted (hot dog near door)


10.  Check bimbas:

These are magnetic switches located along the upper side of the cassette.


Bimba Out                                                  Bimba In

MG @IN[63] (science side)                       MG @IN[64] (cassette side)

1 = In position                                            1 = Out position

0 = Out position                                         0 = In position


Cassette side (arm)                         Science side

MG @IN[63] = 0                                      MG @IN[63] = 1

MG @IN[64] = 1                                      MG @IN[64] = 0


11.  Air Solenoids:

CB/SB 45 and CB/SB 44 work in tandem to move the slitmask IN and OUT. i.e. One must be clear and the other set to work properly.


To move IN:           CB 45              to science side

                              SB 45              pressure off, do before returning to OUT

                              (SB44)             correct order



To move OUT:       CB 44              cassette side

                              SB 44              pressure off, do before returning to IN

                              (SB45)             correct order



Always turn off the solenoids with SB after 1-2 seconds so they don’t burn out.


12.  Misc.

MG @ IN[x]          reads inputs

MG @ OUT[x]      reads outputs


1 = not blocked = 0v          active low limit switches

0 = blocked = +5v



Troubleshooting Tips:

·        If a master reset is done accidentally it will cause the relays to start clacking. You must set bits SB 1-16 and SB 25-48  to get back to the correct start up variables. To set them all at once:




Slitmask only:





·        the dispatcher will not allow you to run Galil commands. Open an xterm and enter:

telnet 2006

Then hit return and a : prompt should appear

:RS                                           starts bekins

:arriba!                                     Dean’s everything is running ok message

:enter galil commands

helpful commands are TPE (tell position), TSE (tell status), SC (stop code), ST (stop)


 To exit :

Control ]

telnet> quit


·        If no Lantronix connection is allowed check the cabling and power cycle the

Lantronix. Check the Lantronix connection by using telnet (only, no 200x).


·        If it won’t servo do a CB41 to turn on the fiducials and check the states of the motor

off interlocks to determine which one is cutting motor power:


MG @IN[9]                            secondary limit, should be = 0 (not in a limit)

MG @IN[59]                          Masks Misaligned, should be = 1 (not blocked)

MG @IN[57]                          Slit Cassette Closed, should be = 0 (switch held in)

MG @IN[62]                          Foot Retracted, should be = 0 (retracted)


\\LOELHOST\C_Loelhost\My Documents\DEIMOS_Docs\Slit Mask\Slit Mask Cassette Testing.doc