Cradle Wiring

The cradle stage wiring section of this manual contains descriptions of the rotation stage wiring and associated systems for the cradle portion of the DEIMOS Spectrograph. It corresponds to the Cradle Stage Wiring tab in the electronics schematics binder.

Rotation Fiducial, EL-3122

Schematic: schematics\rotfid.sch.pdf
Page last updated: February 18, 2003

Simplified Drawing

The Rotation Fiducial is used to get the coarse zero point for the rotation stage. The IR LED portion of the OPTEK OPB742W is wired through a 82 Ohm resistor and is enabled via the normal stage output bit, in this case, OUT1. There is a small, reflective tape adhered to the rotating portion of the instrument which is used in conjunction with the over-center switch determine the zero point of the instrument rotation. Also see: EL-3120 sheet 4.