Hamilton Iodine Cell and Pickoff Mirror upgrade

This section contains descriptions of the additions to the spectrograph to facilitate remote observations.

I/O assignments, EL-4034

Schematic: schematics/HAMIoMirr_in_out_sh_1.pdf
Page last updated: March 12, 2010

Hamilton Spectrograph Slit Room upgrade

Though the slit room upgrade was completed before the Hamilton II upgrade, the documentation is folded into the same website.


As shown on the EL-4034 drawing, the Galil RIO-47100 Remote Input Output controller, RIO, provides 16 digital inputs and 16 digital outpiuts. Though we haven't used them for this project, the controller also includes 8 analog inputs and 8 analog outputs. As the top, left of the assignment table shows, the first 8 outputs are noted as 'High Power'. Galil has included these outputs for driving equipment like brakes and relays directly. These outputs are used to source current rather than sinking